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Control Naming Conventions for ASP.NET VB C#

These control naming conventions may help provide some organization. Visual Studio sets Name properties to defaults for controls, like Label2. Using these conventions it would be something like lblName. ASP.NET Control Naming Conventions ASP.NET Control Naming Conventions are prefixed to...

Responsive jQuery Vertical Menu

The vertical menu knows how far to animate by getting the width of the div it’s located within. View Demo The snippet of code below is the html for our vertical menu. Take note of the span...

Images in HTML Emails: Images Still Separate in Gmail?

Have you ever made an HTML email with images in it and it looked good in most email clients, but not gmail or possibly hotmail? You’ve made sure to build your HTML email using tables instead of divs, used colspans, specified heights and widths....

CSS Sticky Footer – Sticks Whether You’ve Scrolled or Not

There are several tutorials on how to make a CSS sticky footers sticky header, or sticky sidebar.  This is one. Remember to compensate at the bottom of your page so the CSS sticky footer doesn’t cover any content....

Doctype Reference – HTML and XHTML

Here are the doctype declarations for you. Short and sweet HTML Doctypes: HTML 5 Doctype <!DOCTYPE html> HTML 4.01 Strict Doctype <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> XHTML Doctypes: XHTML 1.1 Doctype <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> XHTML 1.0 Transitional Doctype <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC...

CSS Generators – My Favorites – CSS3 Tools and Gradient Generator

There are several CSS generators out there. Many do the same things. Soo… To keep you from sorting through several different generators, here are my favorites to save some time.  Some browsers have different quirks,...

jQuery UI Accordion Tutorial: How to Make a Basic jQuery UI Accordion

This post is for beginners.  It shows how to make a basic jquery UI accordion. We will use a predefined jquery ui for the accordion. There is a link to the demo right before the entire code snippet. HTML...

SEO Safe CSS Hiding: CSS Snippet

As far as I know, this is better for SEO when hiding an element with CSS. I believe it is better than display: none; and/or visibility: hidden; #thingamabob { position: absolute; ...

Protocol Relative URL – Network-Path Reference or Scheme-Relative URL

Here we examine why you would use a protocol relative URL.  Have you ever had this error in ie - “This page contains both secure and nonsecure items?” A protocol relative URL may also be called...



CSS Clearfix: How to Clear Floats in this Tutorial With 5 Clearfixes

Here we will explore 5 different CSS clearfix options. A “CSS clearfix” is often needed to clear floats. Examples 1-3 clear floats by applying a CSS class to a...

SEO Safe CSS Hiding: CSS Snippet

As far as I know, this is better for SEO when hiding an element with CSS. I believe it is better than display: none;...

ASP.NET Cache Advanced Usage

Many of the people who did the program performance optimization, or concerned about the process of program performance, should have used all kinds of...

jQuery Document Ready Explained: $(document).ready() Function

jQuery $(document).ready() is a basic part of using jQuery. The jQuery document ready function executes when the DOM (Document Object Model) is completely loaded...

jQuery UI Accordion Tutorial: How to Make a Basic jQuery UI Accordion

This post is for beginners.  It shows how to make a basic jquery UI accordion. We will use a predefined jquery ui for the accordion. There is...