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Doctype Reference – HTML and XHTML

Here are the doctype declarations for you. Short and sweet HTML Doctypes: HTML 5 Doctype <!DOCTYPE html> HTML 4.01 Strict Doctype <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> XHTML Doctypes: XHTML 1.1 Doctype <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> XHTML 1.0 Transitional Doctype <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> XHTML 1.0 Strict...

Asp.Net Forms Authentication Login Control With SQL Server Using aspnetdb.mdf – ASP.NET Membership

This tutorial will show you how to make the ASP.NET forms authentication work with SQL Server using the provided ASPNETDB.MDF file.  Then it will show you how to properly configure your web.config file to use it. *Note – This tutorial will help...

PHP Ispostback Equivalent Function – Code Snippet

There is a function called ispostback in asp.net. However there isn’t one in PHP. You use do it to check if a page is a postback. The snippet of code below will create a PHP ispostback function. // Determine whether the page...

Protocol Relative URL – Network-Path Reference or Scheme-Relative URL

Here we examine why you would use a protocol relative URL.  Have you ever had this error in ie - “This page contains both secure and nonsecure items?” A protocol relative URL may also be called a “network-path reference” or “scheme-relative URL.” If...

jQuery Window Width – Determine Browser Window Size, Responsive Design

jquery window width, you’ll need it if you’re working with Responsive Design and/or need to figure out the width of the browser Window? Are you using a responsive design layout and using viewport, but need a way to determine window width? jQuery width() and jQuery resize() can...

CSS Generators – My Favorites – CSS3 Tools and Gradient Generator

There are several CSS generators out there. Many do the same things. Soo… To keep you from sorting through several different generators, here are my favorites to save some time.  Some browsers have different quirks, prefixes, etc., but these generators should...

CSS Sticky Footer – Sticks Whether You’ve Scrolled or Not

There are several tutorials on how to make a CSS sticky footers sticky header, or sticky sidebar.  This is one. Remember to compensate at the bottom of your page so the CSS sticky footer doesn’t cover any content.  If your sticky footer is 75px...

Javascript Browser Detection – Navigator User Agent Sniffing Guide

Javascript browser detection can be useful. This is called user agent sniffing.  jQuery had the function “.browser” which would detect the users browser, but it was removed in jQuery version 1.9. They now recommend “.support” for browser feature detection. *using navigator.userAgent can...

CSS Wildcard (kind of) – CSS Attribute Selector

CSS wildcard or CSS Regular expression? - You may be looking for CSS Attribute Selector. CSS Attribute Selector - Here’s the scenario: You want to add styling to all elements that...

How to set the default view in visual studio to either, Design, Source, or Split View

In Visual Studio, to change the Default View from Design View to Source View, or Split view, do the following. In the menu, go to “Tools” > “Options.” Once in options, select the “HTML Designer” Section. Next, select your default view...

Coding With Unity State Machine Using Inheritance

In this post I want to show you how I like to go about creating a state machine. A state machine is usually used (or at...



The Capabilities of .NET

The Developers Dilemma usually takes two forms: If Only I could XOr, How Do I X Usually followed by a flurry of Google Searches and, depending...

Packaged ASP.NET Web Site Into an Exe Convenient for Customer Presentations

In the Asp age NetBox can the entire ASP website allinone packaged into an exe, in the case of IIS can run the exe...

Images in HTML Emails: Images Still Separate in Gmail?

Have you ever made an HTML email with images in it and it looked good in most email clients, but not gmail or possibly hotmail? You’ve made sure to...

PHP Ispostback Equivalent Function – Code Snippet

There is a function called ispostback in asp.net. However there isn’t one in PHP. You use do it to check if a page is...

ASP.NET WatchDog System Requirements. Installation Instructiuons

In order to run ASPNETWatchDog, your system must have Microsoft .NET Framework installed. For more information about Microsoft .NET Framework, please visit MSDN .NET...

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CSS Center – CSS Centering of an Element: Tutorial

CSS Center - This short tutorial and snippet will show how to center with CSS CSS Center HTML <body> <div class="centerMe"> <!-- Put centered content here --> </div> </body> CSS Center This CSS centering includes styling that may...

Make RSS Icon Display in Browser With this HTML Snippet

This will show how to make RSS icon display in browsers with RSS feed integration. Most CMSs will automatically add the code needed for an RSS feed to be displayed in supported browsers. However, if you need to add...

“Sometimes” Sticky CSS Element Using jQuery

There are several tutorials on how to make things “sticky” using CSS. We will make a “sometimes sticky” element using CSS and jQuery. Here is an article on CSS sticky footers to help you understand before we...

CSS Clearfix: How to Clear Floats in this Tutorial With 5 Clearfixes

Here we will explore 5 different CSS clearfix options. A “CSS clearfix” is often needed to clear floats. Examples 1-3 clear floats by applying a CSS class to a p tag. The p tag holds a “non-breaking space” - ascii...

IIS URL Rewrite Tutorial – Installation and Use – web.config

To get the below URL Rewrite code to work in IIS, you must first install the URL Rewrite module. The URL Rewrite module is not installed by default. The IIS URL Rewrite module may be...

How to set the default view in visual studio to either, Design, Source, or Split View

In Visual Studio, to change the Default View from Design View to Source View, or Split view, do the following. In the menu, go to “Tools” > “Options.” Once in options, select the “HTML Designer” Section. Next, select your default view of choice, Design View, Source View, or Split view. Click “OK.” Then restart...

CSS Wildcard (kind of) – CSS Attribute Selector

CSS wildcard or CSS Regular expression? - You may be looking for CSS Attribute Selector. CSS Attribute Selector - Here’s the scenario: You want to add styling to all elements that have “read” in the  name of the class. For instance:...

jQuery Window Width – Determine Browser Window Size, Responsive Design

jquery window width, you’ll need it if you’re working with Responsive Design and/or need to figure out the width of the browser Window? Are you using a responsive design layout and using viewport, but need a way to determine window...

Javascript Window Location object Properties

Javascript window location object properties contain information about the current URL. For example” location.pathname” returns “/subdirectory/search.” Example URL: http://www.domain.com/subdirectory/search?filter=a#somewhere Javascript Window Location Object Properties PropertyDescriptionReturnshashReturns the anchor portion of a URL#somewherehostReturns the hostname and port of a URLwww.domain.com (will...



Control Naming Conventions for ASP.NET VB C#

These control naming conventions may help provide some organization. Visual Studio sets Name properties to defaults for controls, like Label2. Using these conventions it would be...

IIS URL Rewrite Tutorial – Installation and Use – web.config

To get the below URL Rewrite code to work in IIS, you must first install the URL Rewrite module. The URL Rewrite module is...

PHP Ispostback Equivalent Function – Code Snippet

There is a function called ispostback in asp.net. However there isn’t one in PHP. You use do it to check if a page is...

Javascript Browser Detection – Navigator User Agent Sniffing Guide

Javascript browser detection can be useful. This is called user agent sniffing.  jQuery had the function “.browser” which would detect the users browser, but...

Coding With Unity State Machine Using Inheritance

In this post I want to show you how I like to go about creating a state machine. A state machine is usually used...