These control naming conventions may help provide some organization. Visual Studio sets Name properties to defaults for controls, like Label2. Using these conventions it would be something like lblName.

ASP.NET Control Naming Conventions

ASP.NET Control Naming Conventions are prefixed to the name, such as, lblName or rptEmployee.

Control Naming Conventions List

Naming Convention  -  Control
              btn  -  Button 
              cb   -  CheckBox 
              cbl  -  CheckBoxList 
              ddl  -  DropDownList 
              dtv  -  DetailsView
              fmv  -  FormView
              grdv -  GridView
              hl   -  Hyperlink 
              img  -  Image 
              ib   -  ImageButton 
              lbl  -  Label 
              lbtn -  LinkButton 
              lb   -  ListBox 
              lit  -  Literal 
              mnu  -  Menu
              pnl  -  Panel 
              ph   -  PlaceHolder 
              rb   -  RadioButton 
              rbl  -  RadioButtonList 
              rpt  -  Repeater
              sql  -  SqlDataSource
              txt  -  Textbox 

If I’ve left a naming convention out please feel free to comment. I will update the Naming Convention List later. Additionally, comment if you use something different.

A Google search of “hungarian notation” may provide more in depth information.

Please share if you find the ASP.NET control naming convention list helpful.


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