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CSS Center – CSS Centering of an Element: Tutorial

CSS Center - This short tutorial and snippet will show how to center with CSS CSS Center HTML <body> <div class="centerMe"> <!-- Put centered content here --> </div> </body> CSS Center This CSS centering includes styling that may be required for older versions of...

Control Naming Conventions for ASP.NET VB C#

These control naming conventions may help provide some organization. Visual Studio sets Name properties to defaults for controls, like Label2. Using these conventions it would be something like lblName. ASP.NET Control Naming Conventions ASP.NET Control Naming Conventions are prefixed to the name, such as, lblName or rptEmployee. Control Naming...

“Sometimes” Sticky CSS Element Using jQuery

There are several tutorials on how to make things “sticky” using CSS. We will make a “sometimes sticky” element using CSS and jQuery. Here is an article on CSS sticky footers to help you understand before we move onto the “sometimes” part using...

PHP Ispostback Equivalent Function – Code Snippet

There is a function called ispostback in asp.net. However there isn’t one in PHP. You use do it to check if a page is a postback. The snippet of code below will create a PHP ispostback function. // Determine whether the page...

SEO Safe CSS Hiding: CSS Snippet

As far as I know, this is better for SEO when hiding an element with CSS. I believe it is better than display: none; and/or visibility: hidden; #thingamabob { position: absolute; left: -9999px; } CSS Hiding the SEO...

CSS Sticky Footer – Sticks Whether You’ve Scrolled or Not

There are several tutorials on how to make a CSS sticky footers sticky header, or sticky sidebar.  This is one. Remember to compensate at the bottom of your page so the CSS sticky footer doesn’t cover any content.  If your sticky footer is 75px...

Create and Consume Web Services In Asp.Net

In this Article we will learn how to create and consume Web Services In Asp.Net and C#. A Web Service is platform independent software component, based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) . Web Service is used to Exchange of data on the...

The Capabilities of .NET

The Developers Dilemma usually takes two forms: If Only I could XOr, How Do I X Usually followed by a flurry of Google Searches and, depending on the platform/language you are programming in, either success or failure. Often though, if the solution requires downloading...

ASP.NET WatchDog System Requirements. Installation Instructiuons

In order to run ASPNETWatchDog, your system must have Microsoft .NET Framework installed. For more information about Microsoft .NET Framework, please visit MSDN .NET web site...

Create and Consume Web Services In Asp.Net

In this Article we will learn how to create and consume Web Services In Asp.Net and C#. A Web Service is platform independent software component, based on...

Control Naming Conventions for ASP.NET VB C#

These control naming conventions may help provide some organization. Visual Studio sets Name properties to defaults for controls, like Label2. Using these conventions it would be something like lblName. ASP.NET...



“Sometimes” Sticky CSS Element Using jQuery

There are several tutorials on how to make things “sticky” using CSS. We will make a “sometimes sticky” element using CSS and jQuery. Here...

The Capabilities of .NET

The Developers Dilemma usually takes two forms: If Only I could XOr, How Do I X Usually followed by a flurry of Google Searches and, depending...

ASP.NET WatchDog System Requirements. Installation Instructiuons

In order to run ASPNETWatchDog, your system must have Microsoft .NET Framework installed. For more information about Microsoft .NET Framework, please visit MSDN .NET...

How to set the default view in visual studio to either, Design, Source, or Split View

In Visual Studio, to change the Default View from Design View to Source View, or Split view, do the following. In the menu, go to “Tools” > “Options.” Once in options, select the “HTML Designer” Section. Next, select your...

jQuery UI Accordion Tutorial: How to Make a Basic jQuery UI Accordion

This post is for beginners.  It shows how to make a basic jquery UI accordion. We will use a predefined jquery ui for the accordion. There is...

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SurfingSuccess Articles

We have chosen the best articles written by our partners from SurfingSuccess and you can find them below: https://wshop.fi/eng/jquery-document-ready-explained-document-ready-function/ https://wshop.fi/eng/javascript-browser-detection-navigator-user-agent-sniffing-guide/ https://wshop.fi/eng/asp-asp-net-forms-authentication-login-control-with-sql-server-using-aspnetdb-mdf/ https://wshop.fi/eng/jquery-append-insert-using-append-prepend-before-after/ https://wshop.fi/eng/jquery-window-width/ https://wshop.fi/eng/css-wildcard-kind-of-css-attribute-selector/ How to set the default view in visual studio to either, Design, Source, or Split View https://wshop.fi/eng/iis-url-rewrite-installation-and-use-web-config/ https://wshop.fi/eng/css-clearfix-how-to-clear-floats/ “Sometimes” Sticky CSS...



Javascript Browser Detection – Navigator User Agent Sniffing Guide

Javascript browser detection can be useful. This is called user agent sniffing.  jQuery had the function “.browser” which would detect the users browser, but...

“Sometimes” Sticky CSS Element Using jQuery

There are several tutorials on how to make things “sticky” using CSS. We will make a “sometimes sticky” element using CSS and jQuery. Here...

jQuery UI Accordion Tutorial: How to Make a Basic jQuery UI Accordion

This post is for beginners.  It shows how to make a basic jquery UI accordion. We will use a predefined jquery ui for the accordion. There is...

SurfingSuccess Articles

We have chosen the best articles written by our partners from SurfingSuccess and you can find them below: https://wshop.fi/eng/jquery-document-ready-explained-document-ready-function/ https://wshop.fi/eng/javascript-browser-detection-navigator-user-agent-sniffing-guide/ https://wshop.fi/eng/asp-asp-net-forms-authentication-login-control-with-sql-server-using-aspnetdb-mdf/ https://wshop.fi/eng/jquery-append-insert-using-append-prepend-before-after/ https://wshop.fi/eng/jquery-window-width/ https://wshop.fi/eng/css-wildcard-kind-of-css-attribute-selector/ How to set the default view in...

Javascript Window Location object Properties

Javascript window location object properties contain information about the current URL. For example” location.pathname” returns “/subdirectory/search.” Example URL: http://www.domain.com/subdirectory/search?filter=a#somewhere Javascript Window Location Object Properties PropertyDescriptionReturnshashReturns the anchor portion...